Monday, August 6, 2012

Oh, Baby

Well, it's true.

We are going to have a baby!

Our little baby is growing fast and strong. The ultrasound above was when I was 11 weeks along and according to the doc, everything looks good!  

I am now 14 1/2 weeks and feeling pretty good overall.  I was very nauseous from weeks 5-8 and could barely eat anything at all. It was NOT fun... but I consider myself pretty lucky that I only had true "morning sickness" for about 3 weeks.  After that it has come and gone every once in a while.  I mostly have just had a lot of food aversions.  I still can't stand the smell of Hot Pockets in the microwave (Forrest's favorite ugh) or anything minty (very strange since I was addicted to mint gum pre-pregnancy and now I can't stand it).  And I am just a little picky as to what sounds good.  Oh and now I deal with this thing called indigestion quite frequently.  As in every time I eat anything!

Forrest and I know that we are pretty young to be starting a family, but we feel ready as ever.  It will be a financial challenge but we honestly believe that everything will work out as it's supposed to.  And right now, we are supposed to bring a baby into the world.  The main thing we wanted to happen before starting a family was my graduation from college.  Since I will be graduating in December, this baby's timing will be pretty unbeatable, since he/she will arrive in late January!  I am anticipating a pretty tough last semester of college starting in a couple of weeks, but I know it will all be worth it in the end!  We can't wait to meet our little one!